Day 26: Tougher and hotter

The ride is getting serious. On Monday it got onto 89km of rough rutted unpaved road…in nearly 50 degrees C of heat. I’ve felt 44 degrees in Kruger…like an oven…and I wasn’t cycling…

The Tour staff say that this 8 day section is the toughest section of all their rides.

Andy is surviving but he’s taking some strain. I think parabat training, bulldog tenacity an’all are being called on. One piece of our conversation went like this…

‘The girls’ he said, somewhat deprecatingly, ‘put their bikes on the truck when it got tough. Then it became a habit and now they’re taking it easy.’

So I said, ‘I hope you’ll be smart enough to do the same when you need to. I want to see you in Addis in one piece when I get there on 17th.’

‘Of course’ replied Brookstein. ‘I’m not that pig headed…’

Those of you who know him best will be smiling at that…

Today, Tuesday, there was more of the same road and more of the same temperatures; and for good measure the wind was sand blasting their faces. Andy said he wasn’t feeling too bad. He’d had a ‘shower’… using a bowl of water he bought for about $1.50 to wash off most of the dust…

They haven’t started any real climbing yet and it’s small consolation that the temperatures should drop as the altitude rises. They’ve done 4 days of this 8 day section. Andy’s going to appreciate the comforts of a hotel in Gondar when he gets there on Saturday.

8 thoughts on “Day 26: Tougher and hotter

  1. Sterkte Andy. You are a real tought Durban boykie and you got your mates rooting for you. Why not ride the truck like the chicks if things get really tough ?’
    Good luck mate.
    Errol W


  2. I am smiling! Andy you are an inspiration. We are in awe of what you have achieved so far, it is amazing and you have lots to be proud of. Those mountains have nothing on you………….
    “the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams” Andy you give me hope on my dreams.


  3. Keep it up! We are watching your progress with interest. Agree with Errol and I know that you have never been averse to keeping company with the chicks.

    Good Luck. Remember it is downhill after the equator. 🙂


  4. “Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in, except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.”
    ― Winston S. Churchill, Never Give In!: The Best of Winston Churchill’s Speeches.
    Go for it Brookers.


  5. “If you want to fly with the eagles don’t peck shit with the turkeys”! Bernie Krone. Forget about the chicks and the truck – it’s EFI or why bother – go Andy my bulldog booitjie! Regards from Martie as well.


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